Fear of Looking BAD

Do we even realize that we have a fear of looking bad? Since childhood it is ingrained that you have to always look good (looking good means being good to people ,no matter what). Don’t hurt anyone, Don’t wear this dress what would people say, Don’t walk out of the marriage, irrespective of how ugly it is, Don’t marry a person as he or she is of different religion, Don’t quit your job, etc. I am sure each one of us have gone through or are still going through such fears in life. Unknowingly I was carrying this fear for a big time in my life. It made me sitting on the fence for 9 years. THE Fear of looking bad. Often when we have to make difficult decision in life, this fear overpower our inner voice and keep on playing as a recorder all the time. It is so loud that it makes us stuck. What if people would say something. First of all which people are we talking about here. Those people who takes pleasure in our pain. Those people who would always doubt us, question us and never care for us. How can those people, who are good for nothing, become the epicenter of our decision making. Suddenly they become so important that we think only about them and stop looking inward, to such an extent that we even forget to ask who we are and what we really want in life.
I was at a juncture in my life few years back when this fear surrounded me all over. Every single cell of my body wanted to break free. But this fear held me so tight that I was stuck in a bad state for years. I kept on asking myself what if people would say that it was your decision and you couldn’t stand by it. What if they would say you are a loser. What if they would say that you are not even able to handle this. What if they would criticize my family. And my determination to move out of it was thrashed each day. Years went like that and one final day I asked the life changing question to myself. What is that you want in life? What can you do to change things for a happier life? And the larva became a butterfly and transformed into a strong, independent, driven woman who took charge of her life. It was a defining moment of my life and imagine now I am on a mission to help other people in their transformational journey. Come on people WAKE UP. Have your self worth, self love and help yourself. Choose to live a worthy life and make your dream come true. Beyond this fear is a wonderful life waiting for you. Open your arms and welcome it. Break free and unshackle your self and be on an amazing journey.