Beauty of Imperfection

It sounds bizarre right. Imagine how you felt when the first pimple popped up. Oh I look terrible; how can I step out now etc. Damn, we give so much value to that one imperfection that we forget to live our life. The pressure of having perfect look, perfect body, perfect partner, perfect language, perfect article and perfect life, hinders our creativity. Not sure from where it comes into our system that being perfect would make us more likeable and acceptable. Every person out there struggles to be perfect. We spend endless amount of money in beauty salons, hiring a nutritionist, learning perfect English, just to be the part of that sophisticated class where these things are more important than the person itself. Go to the gym, do yoga, have a diet plan, only if you have a drive and the WHY is connected to lead a fit life. Not because these things will give you acceptance in the outer world. Just think about it, is it even worth to be perfect for outer world? Will it give to you more stress or pleasure?
I tried all my life to be perfect. In my own definition, when I was not perfect, it overpowered my confidence, self believe and the thought of not being acceptable traumatized me for years. It was like caging my creativity, putting myself in a mold that others defined and decided for me. I am a great cook, however in earlier days my cooking was so pathetic. As I use to start cooking, the thought that what if it is not prefect and what if it not made with given proportion, use to bother me a lot. I never measured water and milk in my life for making tea and it came out to be amazing each time. Irony, but the truth :) In my perception striving hard to be perfect, is like a rat race and it doesn’t take you anywhere.
In last few months, on the life transformational (coaching) journey, I realized the BEAUTY OF IMPERFECTION. When you are imperfect people notice you more and there are high changes that you become an inspiration for them. You can be the reason for them to unshackle and live a meaningful life. Its like may be everyone wants to break-free, but we are waiting for someone to take the lead. Wear your imperfections and let the world notice it. First it would help you ease out, chill and be creative; second you would connect to many people who have similar imperfections.
Just imagine a world where there is no pressure to look good, speak well and dress well, how beautiful it would be. There would be freedom, higher sense of empowerment and the thoughts would free flow. Infact, unknowingly we are so engrossed in the process of being perfect, that we forget that we are all born out of an imperfect bulged tummy.

Happy Women’s Day. Let’s celebrate the imperfection.